Martes, Nobyembre 10, 2015

Outwitting a Crocodile

Hi Coconut here after reading the story I realized that both the characters have committed sins. Sang Kancil deceive others for his own sake while Sang Buaya because of his greed to the lots of food that Samg Kancil promise he easily get tricked and because of his pride that no one can pass the river is one of the reason he ignores Sang Kancil after he crossed the river.
Characteristic of Main Characters

Sang Kancil
Sang Buaya

Sang Kancil is a clever, tricky mouse deer who is always finding himself in predicaments with animals that want to eat him or harm him


Sang Buaya is a big bad crocodile who lived in the river with other crocodiles . He may be fierce but Sang Kancil easily deceive him.

The Conflict is Animal against Animal
Playing tricks with someone is hurtful.
Be wise all the time.
Do not get very excited over something.
Don't believe what other people say it maybe a hoax.



An American crocodile's diet consists mainly of small fish, invertebrates, reptiles, birds and mammals.


There are more than 1,000 American crocodiles, not including hatchlings, in Florida.
American crocodiles are found in southern Florida, the Caribbean, southern Mexico and along the Central American coast south to Venezuela. 


American crocodiles inhabit brackish and saltwater habitats and are typically found in coastal mangrove wetlands, ponds, coves, creeks and canals. Decidedly less aggressive than the infamous Nile and Australian crocodiles, American crocodiles are shy, reclusive and rarely seen by people.
Mating Season: January and February.
Gestation: 2-3 month egg incubation.
Clutch size: 35-50 eggs.
In April or May, the female crocodile will build a nest of loose dirt in a mound by the water's edge and lay her eggs. She buries the eggs and fiercely guards her nest. When the eggs hatch in July or early August, the female helps carry her young to the water. But, unlike the alligator, she will not continue to care for her young.


Once hunted intensively for their hides, today, loss of habitat to human development, illegal killing and roadkill are the greatest threats faced by American crocodiles. As sea level rises due toclimate change, a significant portion of crocodiles’ coastal wetland habitat may face saltwater incursion or inundation.

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